Tiny Talk: Living Room Editions with Caldwell Linker
Thursday, June 24th
Join us and Small Mall for our first Tiny Talk event of the summer! We're thrilled to have Caldwell Linker as our first guest.
Cost of attendance is $5-20 sliding scale. Ticket purchase is required to receive the Zoom link. Your link will be in the PDF file that's connected to this event, please proceed to download the digital item once you checkout. If you're having trouble accessing your link, email Eriko at eriko@smallmallpgh.com.
More about Caldwell:
Caldwell grew up white and socialized female in the American south (North Carolina), and landed in Pittsburgh after bouncing around the US for a bit. Documentary photography of queer communities in these various locations occupied 15ish years of its life, but more recently Caldwell has turned to beadwork as a primary artistic outlet. Caldwell is self-taught in the area of the arts, but their degree in Women's Studies (later Gender Studies) and subsequent learning influences almost all aspects of their art practice. Other major influences are a deep love of color, assorted mental health struggles, and an internal momentum to try new things. And, of course, the desire for loads of money almost all artists have thrown at them regularly. Other fun facts: Caldwell is queer and gender queer as all get out, is great at finding four leaf clovers, is passionate about cheese, and was included in an illustration in Highlights magazine (as an adult). It currently lives in Lawrenceville with two large black and white dogs Marvin and Valentine.