CDCP recently had the pleasure of working with Mr. Bill Benter to fill his new offices with artworks. We are thrilled to have placed nearly 70 artworks by 19 contemporary Pittsburgh-based artists in Mr. Benter's downtown space.
Guests raise a glass to support local artists!
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CDCP led tours through the space - many with artist cameos like this tour featuring Mia Tarducci (at far left) and Clayton Merrell (at far right).
Mia Tarducci connects with guests over paintings.
Artist Crystal Latimer between two of her paintings.
Nicole Ryan with one of her many oil paintings now in the Benter Collection.
Artist, Nicholas Volpe, with his custom-crafted table made from an artifact from Bill's personal collection.
At right, Casey Droege with the microphone joined by host, Bill Benter.
Mia Tarducci with a number of works entitled Floor Series.
The CDCP Team: Casey Droege, Leah Mackin, and Johanna Lasner, with special guest team member, a lovely floral arrangement!
Benter Collection Artist Ramon Riley, at center, in front of his artwork.
Thank you to Bill Benter for his commitment to supporting the Pittsburgh Arts economy - and of course to the Pittsburgh artists for creating a breadth of works that give us all reason to celebrate!