Thank you to everyone who came and saw with ourselves, with each other at Inter-. We hope you had a great time witnessing and participating in Maree’s performance. It was a deep pleasure to work with Hatch Arts Collective for this special event, and we’re excited to see what’s in store for them this year.
with ourselves, with each other explores how grief can be a collective experience. Using a karaoke mic and movement as her primary performance vehicle, choreographer and performer Maree ReMalia explores how a solo can be more than a solo and become a gathering, a chorus, and a communal remembrance.
While living through the wake of her father’s death and the pandemic, ReMalia ties our individual lives to the ever burgeoning global and political strife. This performance aims to be a balm for the heart and a container for grief. It is an opening for joy, all while welcoming desire, acknowledging rage, and insisting on love.
As we hold our persistence and tenacity along with our weariness and imperfections, ReMalia asks: what stories do we want to voice? What words feel meaningful? Where do we feel grief in our bodies and how does it want to move?
To learn more about this performance and to see images from the evening, click the button below.